Saturday, July 22, 2006

Another week....

We thank the Lord for another week in His constant care! Ken finished his second week of masters' classes and, once again, is thankful for the opportunity to learn and study God's Word! I was able to share a bit of my heart as a missionary with a Sunday School class of Seniors and that was a great privilege!
Please continue to pray:
1. Ken's third and final week of masters' classes in California.
2. Schooling for Rachel and Joshua. We are still waiting on the decision as to whether or not the christian school will have middle and high school. Possible "interviews" at public schools next week.
3. The kids and I travel to California on Wed. (26th) to be with Ken and after he finishes his classes on the 29th, we will travel and visit family, friends, and supporters out there.
We do covet your prayers and continue to thank you for your faithfulness in support of our ministry through your love, prayers, letters, and giving! God certainly has blessed us in many ways and we thank Him for that!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Up and running.....more or less

I do now have a computer at our home and can give written updates, but do not know where the cord is to hook up our digital camera to give you pictures. Sorry, that will have to wait until Ken returns!
1. Ken finished his first week of classes and is doing well. We all miss him!
2. Daniel had a fun-filled birthday and loved every minute of the day - thank for praying for that!
3. We continue to thank the Lord for the beautiful home he has provided for us here and for the friendly welcomes of everyone!
4. The boys have been involved in tennis camp and are having fun with that!
5. The kids have participated in "fun runs" at a local park on Thursday evenings!
6. Susan was asked and able to share a bit of ministry in a Senior's S.S. class at church!

Please be in prayer....
1. Ken's second week of classes.
2. Continual opportunities to meet christian people and children to "be friends" during this year.
3. Uncertainty of our christian middle school (Josh) and high school (Rachel) being open this year. The school has and is experiencing financial difficulties, as well as low enrollment and may have to close both. We are seeking God's direction for schooling!
4. Wisdom in teaching and training our children to desire to please God! That we might be godly examples to them!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Temporarily Out of Service

Yes, we are still around, but haven't had internet hook-up or phone yet and so have been temporarily out of service in updating our blog. It's late and Ken will be leaving very early tomorrow morning and taking the computer so I can give a quick update......until further notice.
1. Ken leaves Fri. 5:30am to his master's classes in California. He will be gone 3 weeks before the kids and I meet up with him out there. Please for all the traveling that will take place and Ken as he studies!
2. We arrived at our "new home" in Indiana last Wednesday (6/28) and hit the ground running. We are thankful for the beautiful mission's home provided, the food shower given which filled our cupboards, and many warm welcomes!
3. 7/13 is Daniel's 8th birthday and praise the Lord for his life. He is a quite sad that Daddy will not be here, so pray for him! We will do something fun and special for that day!
4. Pray for the kids as they are meeting new kids and will be making some new friends. That our children will be good friends and that they will make good friends!
I know the blog is much more fun with pictures and I do have quite a few to add, but that will have to wait a bit more. Please keep checking in on us! Thank you for all your love and prayers!