Sunday, March 30, 2008


Rachel played a piano prelude in church on Sunday morning. She did a great job!

Ken in São José

Ken spent Saturday giving Clubs training, as well as helping explain more about Clubs' Jr., the 7-12 year-old discipleship group, in which this church is very interested in starting. He also participated in the youth group on Saturday night. On Sunday, he and another Clubs' couple returned to the church to preach and teach in the morning service and S.S. class, as well as have training in the afternoon. Here is a shot with the leaders (adult and teens), as well as Ken teaching one teen leader a "trick" using ropes to explain the plan of salvation.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Becky's party/sleepover

Having a birthday on a Monday isn't very conducive to having a sleepover, seeing there is school the next day, so......Becky had a few of her girlfriends over on Friday night. We celebrated with homemade pizza, cake, ice cream and candies, as well as a looooong night that was almost sleepless for mommy! But, it's a once a year thing and so we will survive and recover until next year!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Staff celebrates March birthdays!

Missionary, Lu, with Becky

Becky, Ken, and Samuel

Clubs' staff - 4 married couples, 2 single girls, 7 kids!

We gathered at our director's home for a celebration of the March birthdays - Ken, Becky, and Samuel (director's oldest). We had a fun time eating and playing games and thank the Lord for the lives of these three very special people!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Becky!

Becky celebrated her 8th birthday on March 24! She is showing her big, metal picture board, as well as sporting someone's very big sunglasses with Bibi, Clubs' missionary.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter in Ribeirão Pires

Easter morning breakfast at church

Eneias, Bibi, Rachel, Josh before the AM service

Bibi, Rachel, Lu, Susan conversing outside the empty tomb

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

51 years young!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

"Owl"- Nighter

The first Clubs' event of the year is our annual all-nighter! This year, we had about 450 teens and youth leaders (from 15 different churches) participate in this special evening which consisted of sports, food, time in the Word, training sessions, nocturnal games and competitions, and lots of fun! Our staff had set aside a time to meet with and encourage the leaders (pictured), as well as listen to them share, and a time of prayer for one another. The teens had the opportunity to choose from training sessions such as "how to prepare a 10 minute devotional", "creative evangelism", "how to prepare a musical presentation", "how to prepare and share a Bible story", as well as several other options. We praise the Lord for a great night of fun and learning, as well as 6 visitors who accepted Christ as Savior!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Angra dos Reis

Ken, Diogo, Andréia, and Lu when to Angra dos Reis over the weekend. It is a city in Rio de Janeiro, which is about 6 hours away. They were ministering in a Clubs church and here are a few pictures of the youth and leaders.