Prayer - Praises & Requests
1. Three of the four children have finished school!
2. We have renters for our home!
3. Ken's knee does NOT need surgery!
4. Protection as Ken traveled on weekends!
Continued Requests:
1. Rachel as she finishes school this week.
2. Ken's knee has bad arthritis and does need to follow doctor's orders.
3. Our Clubs director will sell our car AFTER we leave.
4. We are still needing to raise funds for Ken's master's classes.
5. Adaptation as we travel and live in the States for the year.
New Requests:
1. Counseling Conference being held here this weekend - Pastor Steve Viars from Lafayette, IN. is the guest speaker, along with David Smith from The Master's College (also ex- WOL missionary here).
2. Garage sale we will be having this Tuesday (5/30).
3. "Last minute errands", doctor's visits, dentist appointments, and activities.
4. Good-byes are never easy......pray for each of us as we deal with that in a different way.