Friday, May 23, 2008

"Teens Involved" competition

We had our first "Teens Involved" competition and thank the Lord for the 77 teens who presented original works. The categories included pantomime, creative evangelism, recitations/testimonies, music, and preaching (guys only). There were about 200 teens and youth leaders present for the weekend and we praise the Lord for these young people using their talents for God's glory! The guest speaker challenged everyone to live as committed teens, which is the translation for "Teens Involved". Ken gave a workshop on a subject which was requested by many of the youth leaders - teens and sexuality.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Clubs Jr. celebrates moms!

We had a special program for Mother's Day in Bible Clubs Jr. and we had a fun time of games, devotions, refreshments, singing, and even a special picture!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Bible Clubs Jr. training

Our staff had a new "Junior" training! This is a church in São Paulo, whose pastor also teaches at our seminary. He took the pastoral position just six months ago and is already implanting Clubs Jr. in his church! We are excited!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Clubs' training in Serra Negra

Ken, Diogo, and Andréa went to Serra Negra for the first sessions of training. They had a great time of learning and lots of fun!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Sports Marathon 2008

Rachel and friends from church participated in our annual sports marathon. They train every Monday night, with the idea of learning about soccer, but also to use the game as a tool for evangelism. The team has been on several missions' trips and we thank the Lord for their great testimony on and off the court.