Josh's line up- I mean passport picture
Today we spent the day in Sao Paulo getting passports for our children. Getting the American passports for Josh, Daniel and Becky was no problem. The only rough part was the price. WOW!
We then left to get our Brazilian passports - this is always an experience and you can always expect something to test your faith and patience! It's the hot water in the cup that reveals what is in the tea bag. God, in His sovereingty, allows the heat to be turned up so that we can see what is in our hearts. Dealing with Brazilian bureaucracy is always a time of confession and repentance. Anyway, when asked to present my Brazilian ID, I couldn't find it. It must have slipped out of my wallet, through a hole I did not notice until now. The Lord planned for us to get the Brazilian passport another day. But first, I must either find my ID or get another one, which will require another trip to Sao Paulo.
Despite this small setback, we had a good time with the kids, got to try out Burger King and even found some bagels at a small shop. Both real treats for Americans!
Thank the Lord for His protection on the roads.